Memory Foam Mattress - Medium/Firm Feel Mattress. Our Memory Foam Mattresses are available in 10inch thickness and come vacuum packed and All you have to do is open it up and allow it to regain its full depth. The superior support provided by a Memory Foam Mattress, not only provides relief for joints and pressure points but the reduced stress on muscles surrounding those joints improves circulation and means you wake up properly rested and ready to tackle the day ahead Conforms to Fire Retardant regulations & is Anti-Bacterial Hypoallergenic. -Reacts to body heat - Moulds to each individuals body shape - Promotes good blood circulation - Relieves pressure on the back and neck. - Anti-Bacterial - Hypo-allergenic - No sound produced due to it having no springs - Complies fully with UK flammability regulations - Comes vacuum packed for each transportation. - Easy installation – Just open and allow it to regain its full depth (Allow 18 to 24 hours before use)